Exclusive "Ask Me Anything" with Nubiles

We invite our members and fans to check out the Freeones.com forum for an exclusive "Ask Me Anything" with Kristin from Nubiles.net! Post your questions and join the conversation!


BhsLL 2 years ago

I don't like to say bad things at a scene so it's good to see you have this option.
The ladies are all great. I have one thing I kind of hat which is becoming more common.
The rolling back of the eyes. It looks so fake and kills the scene. Normally it's a sign of a medical seizures. Can we have a fan survey on this.

0218149201 5 years ago

I atepted to add to m proile now I can't find my PLAYLISTS. I'm a new member if I can't get any help I will cancel. GunfaceJimmy

NFDirectorT 5 years ago

Its under 'My Profile' playlists... any issues please submit a ticket to nf [at] xfusionmembers.com or https://support.nubiles.net

Member780418 7 years ago

Since 2013 there has been only one comment... I guess you delete all inquiries pertaining to large breasts on a regular basis. The difficulty the other commenter was experiencing is caused when "Hairy Pussy" is selected in the query. Selecting "Shaved" will return all posts.

Member692252 7 years ago

Advance search is a good idea. But how does it work. I have typed in very specific requirements,
and also kept it broad. But every time a message comes up as no results found.

NubilesStaff 7 years ago

Hello, can you please create a support ticket for this question? It is a private location where we can help pin point what you are looking for and give you helpful tips on searching those tags. Thanks!